mercredi 20 mai 2015

The best moments in Letterman's final episodes were these heartbreaking performances

Today David Letterman will retire, penning a conclusion to one of late night television’s most enjoyable runs this side of Johnny Carson. If you haven’t tuned in recently, you’ve been missing out. The show ends with a strong final few weeks, though not for the reason fans of the Top Ten or Letterman’s classic monologues might think.

The later years of Late Show haven’t met the comedy threshold established by the show’s early, borderline surreal episodes. Most Centennials (shudder) won’t remember watching Letterman live and laughing, and if they do know a good bit from the host, they probably saw it archived on YouTube.

But one aspect of the show has remained consistent, through good years and not so good years: the music.

We aren’t...

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The best moments in Letterman's final episodes were these heartbreaking performances

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