mardi 26 mai 2015

apple’s most personal device forces us all to speak the same

when i write for the verge, i don’t write like this.

we have a style guide based on american english, journalistic conventions, and certain decisions about grammar. some of it i agree with; some of it i don’t. i am okay with this. adhering to the system is part of my job, and it makes the verge a better publication. i slip in and out of it without having to think much at all.

but i do have to think a little bit, which means it isn’t really me.

the way i write *without* thinking comes out when i send texts, tweets, line or slack messages, emails to my family, and anywhere else i enter text unburdened by shift keys and standardisation. it’s informed by where i grew up, who i’ve known, what i’ve read. all those things and more poured...

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apple’s most personal device forces us all to speak the same

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