jeudi 21 mai 2015

The best keyboard for the iPad Air 2

The iPad Air 2 is great, and by now the myth that you can't get "real" work done on it has been thoroughly debunked. You can use office apps from Apple, Microsoft, and any number of elegant text editors to Get Stuff Done. For most people, work means typing, and it usually means typing a lot. Doing that on the iPad’s touchscreen is a hassle, so you're going to want a keyboard — a real one.

If you're going to pick out a keyboard for the iPad Air 2, you're in for a rude awakening: there are literally dozens of them, and they're all a little different. But you can assume a few things at the outset about all of them. They all use Bluetooth to connect to the iPad and most of them have battery life that's rated in terms of weeks, not hours....

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The best keyboard for the iPad Air 2

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