mercredi 20 mai 2015

First Click: Old people can use emoji, too

I’m a 48-year-old American-born white male living in Europe. According to what I read on this thing called the interweb, I should hate emoji.

A few weeks ago, Matt Haber of The New York Times asked “Should Grown Men Use Emoji?” Absolutely, just know when and where to use it.

As an old, I can be stubborn to accept change, especially when that change is perceived to be driven by lazy tweens with no respect for linguistics. At least that’s how David Webster sees it, who wrote a piece for The Guardian last year titled “Adults who use emoji should grow up” followed by the very serious sub-headline “No amount of winking smileys can make up for, say, a refusal to fight injustice, or face up to climate change.” I’m no Webster, but that...

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First Click: Old people can use emoji, too

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