mardi 28 avril 2015

John Legere implies T-Mobile could someday merge with a cable company

Despite his company's failed merger with AT&T, T-Mobile CEO John Legere has always maintained that consolidation in the wireless industry is inevitable. "In five years, we will think it comical that we thought about the industry structure as the four major wireless carriers," he said during today's T-Mobile quarterly earnings call. But for the first time, Legere expanded on his thinking and raised some interesting — and perhaps controversial — possibilities for the future. "I've always said it's not a matter of if; it's when and how. And now I'm going to add and who."

As it turns out, that "who" could take the form of an existing cable provider. "As content and entertainment and social are moving to the internet, and the internet is...

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John Legere implies T-Mobile could someday merge with a cable company

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