mercredi 29 avril 2015

Nepal's earthquake survivors are struggling to mourn the dead

Former Verge reporter Greg Sandoval has been traveling the world, most recently spending several weeks in Nepal. This is his firsthand account of the enormous tragedy locals face after the devastating earthquake on April 25th.

Pashupatinath Temple is a place connected to death and mourning in ways that are unlike anything in the Western world.

Hindus have for years traveled to Pashupatinath to place their loved ones on funeral pyres and grieve in front of tourists and onlookers, a spectacle that couldn’t be any different from a funeral in the United States. The temple complex straddles both banks of the Bagmati River near the center of Kathmandu, Nepal’s capital. On one of its banks are the stone platforms where the funeral pyres burn;...

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Nepal's earthquake survivors are struggling to mourn the dead

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