mardi 28 avril 2015

First Click: Apple's worth more than... everything

Nothing is new, not even the proclamation that nothing is new is new. Yet here I am repeating it as a premise for giving you a list of things dwarfed by Apple’s financial scale. The construct has been regenerated so many times during Apple's meteoric rise that a tumblr called Things Apple is Worth More Than was created in 2011 when Apple was only worth a mere $340 billion, or about 45 days of global oil consumption.

In 2012 Apple’s market cap exceeded $500 million causing CNNMoney to proclaim it more valuable than Poland. You know, the country.

By 2014 Apple’s market cap hit $668 billion. CNBC was “surprised” by seven things that Apple was more valuable than including 10,000 times the worth of Kim Kardashian. 9,000 times? Not...

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First Click: Apple's worth more than... everything

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