mardi 28 avril 2015

Building The Witcher 3’s huge, wild fantasy world

Westeros. Hyrule. Middle-earth. Some fantasy worlds are so distinct you just need to hear their name to conjure up images of them. And if the developers at CD Projekt Red have their way, soon you'll be adding the vast plains and fetid swamps of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’s Northern Kingdoms to that list.

The upcoming game takes place in a virtual fantasy realm that's 30 times bigger than the previous title in the series, and larger even than Skyrim, the torchbearer for open-world games like this. But it's not just big for the sake of being big. "The story that we're telling needs this huge world,” says senior environment artist Jonas Mattsson.

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Building The Witcher 3’s huge, wild fantasy world

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