mardi 28 avril 2015

Apple Watch won't work properly on some tattooed wrists

If you need another reason to rethink getting that sleeve tattoo, Apple just gave you one: the Apple Watch doesn't work so well when worn on a tattooed wrist. A few days after the smartwatch's launch, users on Reddit, Twitter, and other social media channels are reporting that the Watch loses connection and reports inaccurate heart rate results when placed over tattoos. The video embedded above is a pretty effective demonstration.

Such an issue could quickly prove annoying, since Apple Watch requests a security PIN almost immediately after it detects it has left an owner's wrist. Here, that's happening while it's still securely strapped on. iMore has already conducted some pretty thorough tests and found that yes, Apple's watch can run...

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Apple Watch won't work properly on some tattooed wrists

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